Monday, August 8, 2011

Back from Vacation! Cape Cod is for PIRATES!

I am sorry for the lack of postings over the last week or so. I managed to somehow fenagle a week of vacation and took a trip with my boyfriend to Cape Cod. Such an amazing place for writing inspiration and I highly recommend it. Lots of surf, seagulls, ships and sand. Everything a writer needs to get going on her WIP (a pirate tale).

I thought I would share a couple of pics with you all. Maybe they will help inspire your stories the way the trip has some of mine.


This is my "I'm a mermaid!" pose.

The view from my beach towel. Stunning, right?

My lunch buddy. He even ate bread from my hands :)

My favorite gift shop - The Pirate Cove (shocking, right?) - where anything and everything piratey can be had.


  1. Looks a great place to visit, Rebecca. You get a tan? You look like you did :o)

  2. Oh, what lovely pictures! You look gorgeous as a mermaid :-)
