My Links

This page contains the links to other author pages, websites, agents, and publishers. Just a gathering spot for the sites and information that is worth sharing.

Writing Resources
Scribophile - My favorite critique site!

Writer's Digest Forums - Another great place for feedback on your writing. (I tend to hide in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy forum most often)

Duotrope Digest -- Great database of publications looking for submissions.

Bex Book Nook -- Book Review Blog

Authors I think are destined for greatness.

Jocelyn Adams - (First novel, The Glass Man to debut 2011)
J.A. Belfield - (First novel, Darkness and Light to debut July 2011)
Emma Madden
Aimee Laine - (First novel, Little White Lies to debut 2011)
Lydia Sharp
Claire Gillian
Kastil Eavenshade
R. Brennan
Stella Berkley
Lila Shaw
Veronica Knight
Maria Durose